Save for Retirement

Your Information
Retirement Assets
Retirement Savings Summary
Planned vs Required Retirement Savings
Planned Savings Required Savings
Total Assets
Total Pension
Total Social Security
Total Savings
Saving for retirement can be a challenging task. The starting point for any retirement planning is an understanding of what your retirement needs will be. Once you have done that, you will have a target to aim at and be able to put together a savings plan that will get you there. Defining your retirement need requires that you have a retirement age in mind and a basic understanding of what your spending needs will be during your retirement years. A simple approach for defining your retirement needs is based on using a percentage of your current income, adjusted for inflation between now and when you retire. You might also want to consider how your salary will change based on merit or cost of living increases. Your retirement savings plan will follow; driven primarily by what you have saved to date and what you can save going forward each month. Don't forget to factor in any pensions or social security payments that you will be entitled to receive during retirement.
The accuracy of this calculator is not guaranteed by First Citizens Bank [or its affiliates] and is intended for informational purposes only. The calculator displayed does not constitute the advice of, or reflect actual products, services, rates and/or terms available from First Citizens Bank [or its affiliates] and nothing contained in the calculator shall constitute an offer or solicitation of a product or service by First Citizens Bank [or its affiliates].