Loan Information Loan amount? $ Loan term (years)? Interest rate? % Printer-friendly version Loan Information Loan Amount Monthly Payment Chart Table Amortization Email Results First Name Last Name Email Address Submit Apply Now View Rates Contact Us Repayment of a home equity loan requires that the borrower makes a monthly payment to the lender. That monthly payment includes both repayment of the loan principal, plus monthly interest on the outstanding balance. Loan payments are amortized so that the monthly payment remains the same throughout the repayment period, but during that time, the percentage of the amount that goes towards principal will increase as the outstanding mortgage balance decreases. The tools and calculators on the HVCU website are provided for educational and illustrative purposes only. The accuracy of the calculations and their applicability to your financial circumstances are not guaranteed. HVCU does not provide tax, legal, accounting, financial, investment or other professional advice. The tools and calculators should not be used as a substitute for tax, legal, accounting, financial, investment or other professional advice. Your use of the tools or calculators does not assure the availability of, or your eligibility for, any specific product offered by HVCU or its affiliates. The terms and conditions of specific products may differ and affect the results obtained by using these tools and calculators. All financing is subject to credit approval. The default figures, amounts and information shown in the tools and calculators are hypothetical and may not be applicable to you. Please consult with qualified professionals to discuss your particular situation.