9 views Vehicle Information Vehicle purchase price? $ Cash rebate or cash back? $ Low interest rate? % Sales tax rate? % Trade-In Information Value of your trade-in? $ Amount owed on trade-in? $ Loan Information Loan term (months)? Interest rate? % Down payment amount? $ Printer-friendly version Low Rate Option Loan Amount Monthly Payment Cash Back Option Loan Amount Monthly Payment Chart Table Total Cost of Loan Loan Costs Low Rate Cash Back Total Interest Total Principal Total Cost of Loan Submit Vehicle manufacturers or dealers will often offer incentives to purchase a specific vehicle in the form of a low rate loan or a cash back incentive. While a low rate loan sounds attractive, you might be better off taking the cash back, using it to add to your down payment and reducing the loan amount for the vehicle. Evaluate which option is best. A lower loan amount will mean a lower monthly payment and you might find that the interest savings you'll gain by the low rate loan is less than the cash back amount.