5 views Monthly Income Salary (take home)? $ Investment income? $ Other income? $ Monthly Income Monthly housing expenses? $ Monthly loan payments? $ Monthly insurance expenses? $ Monthly utility expenses? $ Other monthly expenses? $ Printer-friendly version Monthly Cash Flow Summary Monthly Income Monthly Expenses Net Cash Flow Chart Table Household Cash Flow Monthly Income Monthly Expenses Salary Investment Income Other Income Housing Expenses Loan Payments Insurance Expenses Utility Expenses Other Expenses Total Itemized Monthly Housing Expenses Housing Expense Amount Mortgage or Rent Payment Property Taxes Maintenance and Upkeep HOA Fees Total Housing Expenses Itemized Monthly Loan Payments Loan Expense Amount Auto Loans Credit Cards Home Equity Student Loans Total Loan Payments Itemized Monthly Insurance Expenses Insurance Expense Amount Auto Life Home Health Total Insurance Expenses Itemized Monthly Utility Expenses Utility Expense Amount Electric Gas Sewer & Water Cable Telephone Internet Mobile Trash & Waste Total Utility Expenses Itemized Other Monthly Expenses Other Expense Amount Food Clothing Auto Fuel & Maintenance General Merchandise Travel Entertainment Donations & Charity Gifts Medical Other Total Other Expenses Submit How many times have you asked yourself "where does our money go?" The first step is to categorize your spending into each particular category. If you have got multiple monthly bills under a category, you can use the worksheets linked to the right of the input field to enter each separately. Once you see where you are spending your money, it becomes easier to look at reducing spending in particular categories.