23 views Fuel Efficient Vehicle Vehicle purchase price? $ Sales tax rate? % Cash rebate or cash back? $ Miles per gallon? Gas Guzzler Trade-In Value of your trade-in? $ Amount owed on trade-in? $ Miles per gallon? Mile and Gas Miles driven per month? Per gallon fuel cost? $ Printer-friendly version Monthly Gas Cost Comparison Fuel Efficient Vehicle Gas Guzzling Vehicle Chart Table Monthly Gas Cost Comparison Fuel Efficient Vehicle Gas Guzzling Vehicle Monthly Gas Cost Email Results First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Number Submit As the price of gasoline continues to rise, the question often arises as to whether it makes financial sense to trade-in a "gas guzzler" for a more fuel-efficient vehicle. Several factors will impact that decision, including the cost of the new vehicle, the number of miles you drive and the cost of fuel. You can calculate your monthly fuel savings based on your current miles per gallon, miles driven per month and cost of fuel. Then you can estimate how much you will save by purchasing a more fuel efficient vehicle and when you will breakeven on the fuel efficient vehicle purchase.