14 views Your Information Annual doctor visits? Annual prescriptions? Other medical expenses? $ HSA Information Annual contribution? $ HDHP Information Monthly premium? $ Annual deductible? $ Traditional Information Monthly premium? $ Annual deductible? $ Co-pay for doctors visits? $ Co-pay for prescriptions? $ Assumptions Marginal tax rate? % Cost per doctor visit? $ Cost per prescription? $ Printer-friendly version Health Savings Account (HSA) vs Traditional Health Plan HDHP Qualified Plan Cost Traditional Plan Annual Cost Chart Table Annual Cost of HDHP vs Traditional Health Plan Plan Annual Cost HDHP Qualified Plan Traditional Health Plan Email Results First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Number Submit Health Savings Accounts (HSA) offer an opportunity for you to build tax-free savings to pay for current and future qualified medical expenses. Used in conjunction with a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) a high-deductible plan may cost less overall than making monthly premium payments to a traditional health plan and making co-payments when you require medical care. If you use the HSA/HDHP method, you will pay some of the initial medical costs out of your HSA, up until you meet your HDHP deductible. A traditional health plan would pay for most of those up front, after a more modest deductible. Which method is best for you depends on your medical care needs and the HSA/HDHP and Traditional Plan options available to you.